Friday 25 November 2011

November 25th - Praying for Contentment

Today I'm wishing for contentment...I'm praying to somehow find a  happiness and a peace within myself. Trying to make a habit of focusing on the good instead of the's always been a challenge for me, but then I see a sick child or hear of a young women with cancer and I realize just how lucky I really am. It makes me feel like a fool to be so worried about petty things, like my looks, when some people are dying or dealing with loss or sickness. Seem pretty stupid when you look at it that way. Life is good overall! There is so much to celebrate and so much to be thankful for. I have so much to live for and so much to get health for. My eating hasnt improved yet, but I'm hoping that my heart and mind are open to change. I start my councilling on Tuesday and I feel like I'm ready to start this battle! I'm ready to live again and to truely experience my wonderful life again! I am really so lucky and so blessed and I think it's time I show some appreciation for that instead of always being negative and always wanting more. Because when you really take the time to look around...this life is pretty great:)

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